Aroma-Vision (2025)
In Production | English | Horror
Aroma-Vision is an eerie ten-minute horror film inspired by The Twilight Zone, written by Adam Smith, directed by Shun Powell, and produced by Liminal Vision Films.
This story follows Fred (played by Max Williamson), a weary security guard that is lured into a game show centered around a new television that emits scents (akin to Smell-O-Vision). Like the Black Mirror series, this narrative explores the true dangers of technology and how easily we are persuaded. Produced entirely by Milwaukee artists, this project is a true labor of love for filmmaking, specifically within the horror and sci-fi genre(s).
IMDb link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29120717/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk
Official Crowdfund link: https://gofund.me/c1740351